The Ambassador in Mexico (Daniels) to the Secretary of State
[Received February 2.]
Sir: I have the honor to refer to this Embassy’s Despatch No. 6029, of January 24, 1938, and to report that Mr. John D. Stocker, representing the American landowners in the Yaqui Valley, who has just left Mexico City to return to Ciudad Obregon, has informed me that in accordance with Mr. Beteta’s communication of October 29, 1937, those landowners in the Yaqui Valley, who had prepared land for planting prior to October 30, 1937, have been paid for the preparation of this land.
It may be noted that this would appear to be the first compliance of the Mexican Government with its various commitments contained in its communications of October 29, 1937, and November 6, 1937.11
Further particulars will, I presume, be forwarded by the American Vice Consul at Guaymas.
Respectfully yours,