838.20/22: Telegram
The Chargé in Haiti (Finley) to the Secretary of State
[Received 4:20 p.m.]
99. In announcing to the Garde his decision to request an American military mission, President Vincent stated he was requesting two—not three—American officers. Leger today in handing me a note which likewise contained a request for two instead of three officers intimated that the President at the last moment had felt that it was more advisable [Page 649] politically at this moment to request two than three. The President had nevertheless asked him to explain to me that the Haitian Government would ask for the third officer within two or three months since they were sure that three were needed. The first two were wanted as soon as possible.
The note containing the request (a copy of which will be transmitted the next air mail) states that the Haitian Government has decided to reopen the military school. The two officers requested would be asked to direct this school and at the same time to give the general staff technical advice “in all that concerns the betterment and the progress of the present organization of the Garde”.
The note also inquires under what terms these officers will be furnished.
The President specifically stated in his speech to the Garde that he had requested American regular Army officers.
I would appreciate instructions as to what reply should be made.