838.20/11: Telegram

The Minister in Haiti (Mayer) to the Secretary of State

62. Department’s telegram of June 11, 2 p.m. The Minister for Foreign Affairs, after consultation with the President, has requested me officially to inform you that the Haitian Government desires an American military mission for the Garde d’Haiti to act in an advisory [Page 645] capacity. Details as to the number of officers, their qualifications, et cetera, will be communicated shortly.

In making this request Leger gave me a further confidential message from the Haitian Minister at Ciudad Trujillo70 (see my despatch 185 of June 3) in substance as follows:

“Information in previous message (my despatch No. 185, June 3) again recently confirmed from a responsible source. … Alluding to Mussolini restoring Italian honor in Africa, Trujillo recalled that his country had submitted to Haitian occupation during a whole generation; shortly the President of the Dominican Republic will have to take his oath of office in Haitian Congress. A steamship recently brought bombs to Ciudad Trujillo from the United States. Ten thousand bayonets have been distributed in the Cibao. Unless instructed formally Abel Leger considered it unwise to mention the modernization of the armament of the Garde until the new weapons have arrived (this refers to a suggestion Georges Léger recently made to the Minister at Ciudad Trujillo that in order to prevent a misunderstanding the subject of modernization of armaments should be mentioned to Trujillo).”

My impression is that the prompt arrival of a military mission here is desired. I expect to communicate further details shortly. I venture to suggest that the Department advise me by telegraph of its decision.

  1. Abel Léger.