710.H Continental Solidarity/93: Telegram
The Acting Secretary of State to the Chairman of the American Delegation (Hull)
85. Aranha has just called me on the long distance telephone from Rio in order to express his belief that the Argentine Government was not willing to agree to a formula satisfactory to Brazil and to the United States. He read to me a telegram he had received this morning from the Acting Minister for Foreign Affairs who informed Aranha that he was speaking in the name of the President of the Republic and said that Argentina would be unwilling to make any further concessions. I told Aranha that I was not familiar with the texts of all of the projects for the declaration which had been presented but that I understood from your most recent telegram on the subject that the last formula presented by Dr. Cantilo yesterday from Chile had been officially presented in the name of the Argentine Government. I understand that Aranha is telegraphing Mello Franco and inasmuch as I should like to reply to Aranha’s telephone call as soon as possible and reassure him with regard to the situation—if that is possible—I should greatly appreciate it if you would find out from Mello Franco just what the most recent instructions he has received may be and let me know what reply I should make to Aranha.
Because of my unfamiliarity with all of the proposals made I am at a loss to know to what proposal Aranha specifically refers. It would seem to be clear from his telephone call that he believes the Argentine Government is not willing to go as far as Cantilo or the Argentine delegation have indicated.