838.51/3532: Telegram

The Minister in Haiti (Mayer) to the Secretary of State

6. Department’s mail instruction No. 9, December 30. De la Rue suggests redrafting of the proposed accord as follows:

  • First. Article I of the proposed accord should, he thinks, set aside to the credit of the Fiscal Representative the amounts now set aside preferentially for the expenses of the internal revenue service and the internal revenue inspection service.
  • Second. The suspension by article II of the proposed accord of article XVI of the Agreement of 1933 also should, he thinks, be so worded as surely to suspend also the sentence which reads “the balance may be apportioned by the Haitian Government between the budgets of the various departments as it may see fit.”
  • Third. Provision should also be made, De la Rue thinks, for setting aside preferentially the monthly allocation to the Garde.

In addition, De la Rue inquires whether, in the Department’s opinion, specific reference should be made in the proposed accord to the provisions of the second sentence of the second paragraph of page 513 of the memorandum dated December 30, or whether it will be sufficient to have these undertakings by the Haitian Government set forth in its note.

  1. See p. 580, sentence reading as follows: “The Haitian Government would also undertake that in the event of a substantial increase of revenues, no increase in the ordinary or general budget would be authorized until the contractual amortization payment service had been resumed in full.”