710.H Continental Solidarity/44: Telegram

The Acting Secretary of State to the Chairman of the American Delegation to the Eighth International Conference of American States (Hull), on Board the S. S. “Santa Clara,” at Sea

3. We received on November 26 the following undated telegram from the Embassy in Buenos Aires which I quote in full:

(Quote No. 316, from Buenos Aires, undated).76

In my own judgment the text of this proposed resolution is more satisfactory than I had anticipated but it would seem to me that Article 1 might better read “That the ministers for foreign affairs of the American republics whenever inter-American consultation is required, and at such other times as they deem it advisable, hold meetings in such capital of those republics as may be considered most convenient.”

[Page 46]

If you agree with my opinion and if a general agreement along these lines is had, Article 4, of course, would have to be modified so as to make it clear that the meetings resulting from a demand for consultation are obligatory, whereas other meetings may be “arranged by mutual agreement” as the Argentine text now has it.

  1. Supra.