The Acting Secretary of State to the Chargé in Brazil (Scotten)
Sir: Reference is made to the Department’s telegram no. 132, November 24, 1938, noon, and to your telegram no. 274, November 25, 1938, 5 p.m., in reply, concerning the possible presentation to the Brazilian Minister of Foreign Affairs of a note concerning exchange treatment of United States commerce.
Unless you perceive some serious objection to doing so, you are requested to discuss this matter in an entirely informal and friendly manner with Dr. Aranha, acquainting him with the text of the proposed note and earnestly soliciting his cooperation in working out a solution of this important and pressing problem. Subsequent to your conversation, you are directed to make a formal presentation of the note, unless it appears that some other course would be preferable, in which case you should request further instructions from the Department. A copy of the proposed note is enclosed.
For your information and guidance in discussing this matter with Dr. Aranha, there is enclosed a copy of a report48 on Brazilian exchange treatment of American commerce prepared by a special subcommittee [Page 369] appointed by Assistant Secretary of State Francis B. Sayre. You are referred to section two of the report, with regard to your comment that “Although it is true that German exporters are now receiving slightly preferential treatment over exporters from the United States, the reason is inherent in the compensation system itself”, and to section six of the report with regard to your statement that “The danger of our insisting at this time upon a strict compliance with the Aranha letter of February 2, 1935, is that Brazil might comply but counter with restrictive measures on importation, already contemplated in President Vargas’ statement of November 10.” In this latter regard, it is of interest to note that the American members of the United States–Brazilian Commercial Committee in New York and the President of the National Foreign Trade Council have indicated informally to officers of the Department that they believe the majority of United States exporters would probably favor Brazilian quantitative limitation of imports with prompt payment for actual imports as compared with the present exchange treatment, if such a choice were necessary.
A telegraphic report of the results of your action in this regard is requested.
Very truly yours,
- Not attached to file copy of this document.↩