710.H Continental
The Chargé in Colombia (Greene) to the Secretary of
No. 2440
Bogotá, November 17,
[Received November 19.]
Sir: I have the honor to enclose
herewith the text as published in the press and an English
translation of a statement given to the United Press by
President Santos late yesterday. This was published in prominent
positions in all of the morning newspapers, whether United Press
subscribers or not.
As the Department will note, the statement of President Santos is
closely connected with that of President Roosevelt issued two
days ago, the latter of which has received thoroughly favorable
comment in all of the newspapers and from officials and other
persons in Bogotá with whom I have had occasion to talk.
Respectfully yours,
Text of Statement of President Santos as
Published in “El Liberal” of November 17,
The harmonious action of all the countries of America for the
defense of the independence and the liberties of the
continent not only is opportune but necessary. Loyally
understood and practiced, it can give America’s
international policy a most noble aspect and constitute an
efficacious guarantee for all. The Monroe Doctrine, which in
its time was a decisive factor in the independence of the
New World, which later was looked upon with suspicion as a
synonym for undesirable tutelage, and which today has
certain anachronisms in that much in it that was good has
been accomplished and that its unilateral nature was not
sufficiently effective within the limits of present American
realities, can and should be renewed by this new doctrine of
solidarity of common defense which is based upon mutual
respect, sincere equality and faithfulness to the principles
of right.
So, with an attitude of firm frankness, the principle of
collective security, a guarantee of peace and international
justice which cannot be substituted, can live fruitfully in
this hemisphere. Everything counsels the peoples of America
to follow this path and Colombia is prepared to do so.
President of