715.1715/1282: Telegram
The Secretary of State to the Minister in Costa Rica (Hornibrook)
27. For Ocheltree. Your no. 74, June 13, noon. Please inform Dr. Zuniga Montufar that the question of the extension of the provision of the agreement of December 10, 1937 with regard to purchase of armament has been discussed with both the Honduran and Nicaraguan Ministers in Washington. The Honduran Minister has now informed the Department that he has received a cable from his Government stating that it “will extend Article 3 of the agreement.” In view of the previous indication from Dr. Cordero Reyes that the Nicaraguan Government is also favorable to extension, it is felt that Dr. Zuniga Montufar, on behalf of the Commission, can now approach both Governments with confidence that the proposal will be accepted. You may also state that it is the view of this Government that it would be preferable if no time limit were placed on the agreement.
It would be appreciated if arrangements could be made for the Department to be promptly informed when agreement is reached in order that appropriate publicity can be made in this country.
In announcing the agreement Dr. Zuniga Montufar may wish at the same time to make a statement to the press referred to in paragraph 1 of the Department’s no. 26, June 9, 3 p.m.
On behalf of Dr. Corrigan please inform Dr. Zuniga that his letter of June 1052 has been received.
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