710.H Agenda/35: Telegram

The Secretary of State to the Minister in Haiti (Mayer)

21. From the Under Secretary. Your 33, March 7, 11 a.m. The Department has not as yet had an opportunity to study attentively the project for an Association of American Nations supported by the Colombian and Dominican Governments. A copy of this project20 was only left with me late last week by the Colombian Minister.

For the moment I think you had better limit yourself in replying Leger to saying that the Department has not as yet had an opportunity of studying the project above referred to nor of familiarizing itself with any other similar projects that other American governments may intend to present for consideration at the Lima Conference. You may add that in principle this Government is inclined to believe that the existing inter-American treaties and specifically the conventions and resolutions adopted at the Buenos Aires Conference for the Maintenance of Peace21 form a satisfactory foundation for inter-American relationships and that these various agreements might best be modified or supplemented as experience demonstrates such amendment or supplementation to be desirable. So far as can be ascertained at this date, so many months prior to the holding of the Conference, certain of the larger American republics, notably Argentina and Brazil, are very much opposed to any form of association such as that proposed by the Dominican Government.

  1. Proyecto de Tratado solve la creación de una Asociación de Naciones Americanas, y exposición de motivos (Bogotá, Imprenta Nacional, 1938). See also Diario de Sesiones, p. 202.
  2. See Report of the Delegation of the United States of America to the Inter-American Conference for the Maintenance of Peace, Buenos Aires, Argentina, December 1–23, 1936 (Washington, Government Printing Office, 1937), pp. 209 ff.