693.116/156 Suppl.: Telegram

The Secretary of State to the First Secretary of Embassy in China (Salisbury), at Peiping

284. Department’s October 13, 4 p.m., in regard to importation of radio equipment. Please inform the Japanese Embassy that the proposed [Page 73] arrangements are not satisfactory and that the Japanese Foreign Office is being so notified; also that it is assumed of course that the proposals do not signify any alteration of the provisional régime’s previous decision to permit importation of American radio equipment for which bona fide orders were placed prior to imposition of the embargo, as expressed in the instruction quoted in the letter addressed by the Superintendent of Customs to the American Consul General at Tientsin under date of September 13.9

Repeat to Tokyo, Chungking, Shanghai and Tientsin.

  1. In telegram No. 626, October 17, 4 p.m., the Embassy in China at Peiping reported that action was taken the same day (693.116/165).