693.116/146: Telegram
The Secretary of State to the First Secretary of Embassy in China (Salisbury), at Peiping
233. The following is for your action and transmission to Tokyo:
“Tientsin’s 162, August 31, 2 p.m.,65 in regard to prohibition of importation of radio equipment. It would appear from this telegram: (1) that, despite the reported modification of the embargo, the remaining restrictions and the wave length specifications (which in effect bar American long wave sets while admitting Japanese) amount to a continued complete embargo on all American radio equipment; (2) that concessions of practical benefit to American interests have thus far been confined to issuance, to two of the eight American importers concerned, of import permits covering radio equipment ordered prior to imposition of the embargo.
The Department accordingly desires that you inform the Foreign Office of the situation described in Tientsin’s telegram under reference and renew your request for removal of the restrictions on importation of American equipment and for prompt alleviation of the predicament of American importers in respect to equipment ordered before embargo was imposed.
Peiping is requested to supplement your action by appropriate representations to the Japanese Embassy.”66
Please repeat to Chungking, Tientsin, and Shanghai.