393.115/331: Telegram

The Consul General at Shanghai (Lockhart) to the Secretary of State

844. My 762, June 2, 7 p.m.65 regarding return of American missionaries to their stations and occupation of American property. As the result of repeated discussions with the Japanese authorities here concerning the above questions and in particular regarding the return of American missionaries to Soochow and the vacating of American properties in that city occupied by Japanese troops, arrangements were made for two American mission representatives to proceed to Soochow and discuss these questions with the military authorities there. These representatives returned to Shanghai yesterday and reported that they were cordially received by the Japanese garrison commander and were informed by him that he had no objection to the return of American missionaries but that passes would have to be obtained in Shanghai. While in Soochow these representatives were also conducted on a tour of inspection of American property and found that approximately 50% of the occupied property had been vacated recently and that Japanese troops were preparing to vacate several additional buildings. In this connection the Japanese authorities have informed me orally that instructions were issued recently by military headquarters here to the military at Soochow to vacate American mission property as soon as possible. In view of this encouraging report from Soochow, a special effort is being made to obtain passes from the military authorities here for 10 or 12 American missionaries to return to Soochow at an early date.

Repeated to Hankow, Peiping, and Tokyo.
