393.11/2102: Telegram

The Consul General at Canton (Linnell) to the Secretary of State

Department’s telegram of June 13, 7 p.m. I have since last September continued to urge evacuation of Americans who had no urgent occupation in China. These representations have been made more urgent recently and practically the only Americans in this district at present are those actively engaged as doctors, nurses, teachers, missionaries (many of whom assist in medical work), newspaper representatives and representatives of American companies.

The school year at Lingnan has ended and it is hoped that most of the American teachers as well as the American exchange students will leave in the near future. I am urging them to do so.

The American hospitals are doing a great humanitarian work and it is thought this should continue unless the danger becomes greater.

If invasion by land forces should eventuate, I believe a general [Page 357] evacuation should be urged; otherwise Americans in this district are believed to be at present in comparatively safe places.

In Canton there are now the following white Americans: 31 male missionaries, 17 teachers, 14 representatives [of] American companies, 5 doctors, 2 trained nurses, 4 exchange students, the house [3] officials of the Chinese Government and 35 wives and children. There are also a number of American men who come and go.
