124.932/551: Telegram
The Secretary of State to the Ambassador in China (Johnson)
9. Allison’s No. 6 [8], January 7, 4 p.m., and your No. 15, January 8, noon.11 The Department concurs in your view and that of Allison in regard to the serious nature of the violation of American Embassy property and outrages to employees by Japanese soldiers, and considers that an effort should be made at least in the first instance to effect a settlement locally at Nanking which settlement if satisfactory would obviate diplomatic action. The Department considers that such settlement should consist of an official apology and compensation. The Embassy should therefore instruct Allison to inform Okamura that this Government would consider acceptable an official apology tendered personally to Allison, as the representative of the Ambassador, by the chief of staff in the name of the Commander-in-Chief of the Japanese troops in the Nanking area.
Allison should also take up with Okamura or with other appropriate Japanese authorities the question of prompt and full compensation for violation of American property and outrages perpetrated [Page 227] on the residence and servant of Secretary Jenkins as reported in Nanking’s No. 5 [7], January 6, 5 p.m. Allison should keep the Embassy and Department informed of developments.
- Latter not printed.↩