393.1115/244.7: Telegram
The Third Secretary of Embassy in China (Allison) to the Secretary of State
[Received January 6—4:11 p.m.]
7. Arrived Nanking 11:00 a.m. and met by Japanese Consul, naval and military representatives who were very cooperative. Following is brief preliminary report concerning American lives and property here.
All Americans in city are safe and well. There has been considerable looting of American property by Japanese soldiers though the situation has improved of late. Buildings have been but slightly damaged while contents left unguarded have generally been looted. American residents without [with] whom I had lunch tell an appalling story of wanton killing of civilian Chinese and violation of women, some taking place in American property. Standard Oil and Texaco installations entered and stocks removed though amounts taken still unknown.
General conditions in city slowly returning to normal. Embassy has water but no electricity. Food supplies restricted somewhat. Japanese troops still imperfectly controlled but it is believed worst is over.
Embassy buildings and all property in two compounds generally in good condition. Japanese have returned two of the automobiles taken and have offered to replace with new automobiles the six not returned. Embassy automobiles not returned belong to the Ambassador, Al-dredge,1 Jenkins,2 and Lafoon.3 Embassy employees and servants here all safe with exception of Jenkins’ boy4 who was killed presumably [Page 222] while attempting to guard Jenkins’ house outside Embassy compound which was thoroughly looted.
Oahu plans to remain Nanking approximately 2 days before returning to salvage operations. Will attempt to get more detailed report off before it leaves.
Sent to Embassy [at] Hankow. Repeated to Department and Shanghai.