882.00/1070: Telegram
The Minister in Liberia (Walton) to the Secretary of State
[Received July 29—12:40 p.m.]
56. For McBride. Political leaders heretofore persona non grata with present administration were included in list of invited guests to Independence Day celebration at Executive Palace July 26. President Barclay took advantage of situation by asking them to participate in a private conference which was from 3 to 4 hours duration. He explained and defended his policies and called for frank criticism. Gave reasons for denying Neep a concession, announced that Liberian Government had begun negotiations with the United States Steel [Page 812] Corporation and declared he was convinced the economic progress of Liberia would best be served by close cooperation with the United States and American business interests. President made a plea for a united Liberia. All conferees pledged him loyal support. A more detailed report will be transmitted by pouch.