882.635 Neep/88
The Executive Secretary of the American Iron and Steel Institute (Tower) to the Chief of the Division of Near Eastern Affairs (Murray)
[Received July 6.]
Dear Mr. Murray: This will acknowledge receipt of your letter of June 30, relative to the possibility of obtaining a concession for exploitation of iron ore deposits in the Republic of Liberia.
I note your desire to have this information brought to the attention of members of the iron and steel industry which might be interested in the possibility of participating in the development of those iron ore deposits.
Accordingly, I am passing the information along to United States Steel Corporation, Bethlehem Steel Corporation and Republic Steel Corporation, which are, I think, about the only members of the industry which would be in a position to take any active interest in such an opportunity. However, if in your opinion it is advisable to give wider distribution to the information, I shall be very glad to do so.
Very truly yours,