882.635 Neep/81
Memorandum of Conversation, by Mr. Henry S. Villard of the Division of Near Eastern Affairs
I telephoned today to Dr. Dye, Director of the Bureau of Foreign and Domestic Commerce, in regard to the conversation which he intended to have on May 23 with the Secretary of the Iron and Steel Institute in New York about the possibility of American participation in the proposed Neep iron ore concession in Liberia. Dr. Dye said that he had discussed this matter unofficially and confidentially with Mr. Walter Tower, Secretary of the Institute, on the date mentioned and that Mr. Tower had promised to bring it informally to the attention of any interested American concerns.
According to Mr. Tower, the American concern most likely to be attracted by the possibility of iron ore deposits in Liberia was the Bethlehem Steel Corporation, which had a number of plants on the Atlantic seaboard using ore from foreign sources. The United States Steel Corporation was perhaps too far removed from the coast to be able to avail itself, under present costs, of ore imported from abroad. Dr. Dye added that the Iron and Steel Institute was very much interested in this possible new source of iron ore and that there was no doubt all American firms which might be in a position to participate would learn through the Secretary of the Institute of the present opportunity in Liberia.
I agreed with Dr. Dye that there was nothing more which this Government need do in the matter for the moment, I thanked him for his action in bringing the subject to the attention of the Institute and [Page 801] promised to let him know if there were any further developments as to American participation in the concession.