724.34119/978: Telegram
The Secretary of State to the Ambassador in Argentina (Weddell)
73. For Braden. Your 138, August 17, 9 a.m. The Department is of the opinion that a declaration by the new government in Paraguay, similar to the one made by the Busch government in Bolivia,10 to the effect that all international obligations will be respected, should furnish sufficient safeguard for the Chaco negotiations. You will please report the views of the other mediatory delegates regarding the phrasing of notes of recognition. Pending a further consideration of the matter, the Department does not wish you to take any position with regard to recognition without prior authorization from the Department. The Department especially desires to avoid any action that might result in the charge that this Government is endeavoring to force the Conference to take any position with regard to recognition of the new Government in Paraguay which could be construed as tantamount to intervention in their domestic affairs.
For your information, the Bolivian Minister in Washington called at the Department yesterday to discuss the situation in Paraguay. He expressed the opinion that the new Paraguayan government will give full assurances of its intention to respect its international obligations [Page 727] including the Chaco peace protocols, but observed that he thought it would be proper for the Peace Conference, in the event it received a note from the Paraguayan Government, to inquire whether that Government is prepared to put into force the security measures accepted almost a year ago. The Minister was told that his views would receive immediate consideration.
Your telegram 65, May 8, noon,11 reported that Bolivia had accepted the regulations and your 73, May 22, 4 p.m.,11 reported that a Paraguayan note of May 18 unqualifiedly accepts them. Difficulties subsequently were raised by Paraguay but, although the regulations have not been put into effect, the Conference formally agreed on July 12 (your 97, July 12, 11 p.m.)11 to reaffirm the resolutions of April 23 (regulations)12 and of June 8.13
The Department, although not inclined to raise the question of Paraguay’s intention to put into effect the security measures in connection with recognition, would nevertheless appreciate your views.
- See memorandum by Under Secretary of State Welles, July 19, p. 258.↩
- Not printed.↩
- Not printed.↩
- Not printed.↩
- Transit and Security Regulations, Annex 29 in The Chaco Peace Conference, Report of the Delegation of the United States of America to the Peace Conference Held at Buenos Aires, July 1, 1935–January 23, 1939 (Washington, Government Printing Office, 1940), p. 108.↩
- Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores y Culto, La Conferencia de Paz del Chaco, 1935–1939 (Compilación de Documentos), (Buenos Aires, 1939), p. 586; see also despatch No. 474, August 4, from the American Delegate, ante, p. 19.↩