
The Ambassador in Brazil (Caffery) to the Secretary of State

No. 61

Sir: Referring to recent correspondence regarding the German compensation mark matter, and especially to my telegram No. 118, September 10, I have the honor to report that the Brazilian Minister for Foreign Affairs informed me some time ago that the revised edition of the note, embodying the suggestions I made to him, had been duly transmitted to the German Chargé d’Affaires. However, [Page 345] he knows that the German authorities object to making the desired promises in regard to subsidies.

The German Embassy, of course, is in communication with Berlin on the matter; but it is the Minister’s opinion that the Chargé d’Affaires will endeavor to postpone a final decision until the new German Ambassador arrives. Sr. Pimentel Brandão has assured me that it is not his intention to allow the matter to drift indefinitely.

Respectfully yours,

Jefferson Caffery