632.6231/167: Telegram

The Chargé in Brazil (Scotten) to the Secretary of State

61. Embassy’s 60, June 4, 7 [4] p.m. Boucas informed me this morning that the Minister of Finance, accompanied by Boucas, Senhor Barbosa Carneiro, the Chief of the Commercial Section of the Foreign Office, as well as by a representative of the Bank of Brazil and another official of the Ministry of Finance, is planning to leave Rio de Janeiro by air on June 14th for Miami en route to Washington. According to Boucas this mission will discuss not only the Brazilian-German compensation arrangement but the foreign debt28 and the stabilization [Page 332] question. The Embassy will telegraph further details as soon as they can be obtained officially but Boucas requested that the information given above be considered as confidential pending an official announcement.

  1. See pp. 350 ff.