710.Asylum/1: Telegram

The Ambassador in Argentina (Weddell) to the Secretary of State

113. The Minister for Foreign Affairs invited all local chiefs of mission to his office today and explained to them separately in turn that he was sending to them for transmission to their Governments with a view to securing their favorable action a treaty project relating to asylum in missions. He said this was a matter that might properly come before the 1938 Conference in Lima1 but that time pressed, et cetera.

He spoke to me at some length concerning the aims and ideals set forth in his project with particular reference to its application to conditions in Spain2 and said great effect would be given to the proposed treaty by our adherence. I inquired if this proposed convention was along the lines of that discussed at the Montevideo Conference; he said it was an elaboration of it. I then briefly referred to the well-known attitude of our Government on the subject of asylum adding that I would however promptly communicate with my Government.

It is hoped to send full text by air mail on the 29th.
