693.94244/187: Telegram
The Secretary of State to the Counselor of Embassy in China (Peck), at Nanking
Washington, January 23, 1937—1
9. Reference Tokyo’s 15, January 22, midnight.
- 1.
- In view of the parliamentary crisis in Japan, the Department considers the moment not opportune to approach the Japanese Government in regard to the matter under reference, in which view both Grew and Clive concur.
- 2.
- The Department desires that the Embassy prepare a comprehensive summary report on the smuggling situation in North China with particular reference to its effect on American trade. Your survey should give figures, if readily obtainable, showing the extent and trend, particularly since October 1, 1936, of the smuggled trade in kerosene and other items important in American trade principally affected, with pertinent comment thereon.
- 3.
- Please report promptly by telegraph and keep Tokyo currently informed.