693.94244/187: Telegram

The Ambassador in Japan (Grew) to the Secretary of State

15. My British colleague informs me that his Government is much upset at the serious increase in smuggling in North China which developed during November and December. He states that sugar and kerosene are the two items which show much the largest increases and since both of these items seriously affect British trade, he is instructed, unless he sees serious objection, again to draw the attention of the Japanese Government to the matter. Before taking action, however, he is directed to consult me and he did so this evening. He believes [Page 851] that Lindsay68 has informed the Department and that I may receive similar instructions.

I have heard nothing about these new developments in China and I told Clive that I could not act unless or until instructed.

Repeated to Nanking.

  1. Sir Ronald Lindsay, British Ambassador in the United States.