893.01 Provisional/21: Telegram

The Counselor of Embassy in China (Lockhart) to the Secretary of State

857. Major General Kita informed foreign press representatives yesterday that the present Provisional Government at Peiping is prepared for the establishment of a permanent national government to succeed the Provisional Government in the near future. He also stated that he is opposed to the inclusion of areas other than those occupied areas under the new “government”. (Heretofore he has expressed himself as regarding the Peiping regime as the government of all China). He further said that South Chahar, North Shansi, and Suiyuan may join the new government.

One of the leading officials of the provisional regime has stated in private conversation that the “permanent” government is to be established January 1st. He and other leading officials complain that they are permitted no freedom of administration and that they can do only what the Japanese order them to do.
Several unemployed Chinese ex-officials have arrived in Peiping during the last few days, presumably seeking office. They are understood [Page 847] to include Yuan Liang and Yin Tung who were, prior to Sung Che Yuan’s regime, Mayor of Peiping and managing director of the Peiping-Mukden Railway, respectively.
Masayuki Tani, recently Minister to Austria, has been assigned to the local Japanese Embassy. Some of his subordinates are of the opinion that he will be Minister here. The present Counselor will remain. The Secretaries are being augmented by two new Secretaries Evidently in connection with augmented staff the Embassy office building is being thoroughly renovated.

Repeated to Ambassador and Tokyo.
