793.94/11549: Telegram
The Second Secretary of Embassy in China (Atcheson) to the Secretary of State
[Received December 9—1:55 p.m.]
1026. For American Ambassador.
“The International Committee has secured agreement of Defense Commissioner Tang Sheng Chih to the propositions embodied in the following telegrams:
- Telegram number 1: ‘The International Committee which has organized a safety zone in Nanking would respectfully make this further humanitarian proposal to the Chinese authorities, namely, that they should undertake not to carry on military operations within the walled city of Nanking, provided the International Committee can secure the agreement of the Japanese authorities not to attack the walled city. As practicable means of procedure, the International Committee proposes for the forces in the vicinity of Nanking a truce of 3 days, during which time the Japanese troops would maintain their present positions and the Chinese troops would withdraw from the walled city. International Committee would request, for the sake of the great number of civilians now endangered, the earliest possible reply to this proposal. (Signed) Rabe, Chairman’;
- Telegram number 2: ‘The International Committee which has organized a safety zone in Nanking would respectfully make this further humanitarian proposal to the Japanese authorities, namely, that they should undertake not to attack the walled city of Nanking provided the International Committee can secure the agreement of the Chinese authorities not to carry on military operations therein. As a practical means of procedure, the International Committee proposes for the forces in the vicinity of Nanking a truce of 3 days, during which [Page 782] time the Japanese troops would maintain their present positions and the Chinese troops would withdraw from the walled city. The International Committee would request, for the sake of the welfare of the great number of civilians now endangered, the earliest possible reply to this proposal. (Signed) Rabe, Chairman’.
General Tang wishes us through you to communicate the first telegram to General Chiang Kai Shek. We are transmitting the second through Attaché of the Japanese authorities in Tokyo and Shanghai.
Please inform the other Embassies of these proposals. The International Committee hopes the proposals may also have their endorsement. Speed essential. (Signed) Rabe, Chairman”.
Sent to Hankow. Repeated to Shanghai, Peiping. Shanghai please communicate to Japanese Embassy and repeat to Tokyo.95
- The Consul General at Shanghai reported in telegram No. 1129, December 10, noon, that this was done (793.94/11568).↩