793.94/11479: Telegram

The Second Secretary of Embassy in China (Atcheson) to the Secretary of State

1002. Your 1087, December 4, 6 p.m.84a On behalf of the Embassy please communicate as soon as possible to Japanese Ambassador following message from International Committee.

  • “1. The International Committee has received the reply of the Japanese authorities and has duly noted the same. The Chinese authorities are already in process of reducing the number of military establishments and men within the area of the zone, and the Committee is therefore proceeding with the demarcation of boundaries, marking them with flags bearing as a symbol a red cross on a white background, the cross being surrounded by a circle to indicate the idea of a zone. The corners of the zone will be marked with the same symbol on a large sheet spread horizontally on the ground or roofs of buildings.
  • 2. In view of the progressive removing of such Chinese military elements as still remain in the area of the safety zone, and in view of the need and anxieties of the thousands of refugees and other civilians pressing into the zone, the International Committee trust that the Japanese authorities will refrain from bombing or otherwise attacking the area during this period of active preparation of the zone, as well as during the latter period of complete fulfillment of the arrangements for the safety zone. The International Committee will press forward with its recognized tasks as rapidly as possible.
  • 3. The International Committee is pleased to note the assurance contained in the 5th paragraph of the reply of the Japanese authorities, which reads as follows:

    ‘It may be taken for granted however that the Japanese forces have no intention whatever to attack such places as are not utilized by Chinese troops for military purposes or such areas where the Chinese troops have not established their military works and establishments and where there are no Chinese troops stationed’.

  • 4. The International Committee informs the Japanese authorities that some 15 or 20 foreign nationals are standing by to aid in the administration of the zone. The continued presence of these foreign nationals within the city is evidence of their confidence in the good faith of both the Chinese and Japanese authorities in regard to the zone, and also of the International Committee’s firm intention to see that arrangements for the zone are fully carried out. (Signed) Rabe, Chairman”.
[Page 769]

Sent to Shanghai, repeated to Hankow, Peiping. Peiping please repeat to Tokyo for the Ambassador.

  1. Reference is evidently to telegram No. 1087 from the Consul General at Shanghai, which was repeated to Nanking.