793.94/11030: Telegram

The Consul General at Shanghai (Gauss) to the Secretary of State

945. My 943, November 6, 5 [2] p.m. Japanese landing operations on the Pootung Peninsula, effected at three points east of Chapu, apparently met with complete successes and Japanese troops are now reported to have pushed in rapidly from the coast and to have effected a crossing of the Whangpoo River to the southeast of Sungkiang. Units of the two Chinese divisions heretofore stationed in Pootung have withdrawn to check the Japanese advance. Other Chinese troops are reported to be concentrating in the vicinity of Sungkiang for the same purpose. Heavy fighting continues in the western area south of Soochow Creek where the Japanese have made further gains. The Japanese report indications of a Chinese withdrawal from this sector and from Nanhsiang and other points.

Repeated to Nanking and Peiping.
