793.94/10614: Telegram

The Ambassador in China (Johnson) to the Secretary of State

800. Your [Tokyo’s] 464, October 9, 9 p.m., to Washington. Text of speech which German Ambassador is reported to have made on occasion of harvest festival is not available to this office. The only information regarding it was carried in a Central News Agency statement dated Nanking October 4 to the effect that the German Ambassador speaking to the German community (made up I am confidentially informed for the most part of German military advisers employed by the Chinese Government) commented upon the war of resistance waged by the Chinese and expressed the sympathies of other German nationals in China with the trial and tribulation now being undergone by the Chinese. He is reported also to have stated that the ability and courage of the Chinese on the battlefield had deeply impressed the Germans at home and to have expressed the hope that China would soon bridge over this present crisis.

Press here carried a Domei report of démarche by Italian Ambassador at Tokyo in support of Japan. Representative of Italian Embassy here in reply to question of German Ambassador in my presence the other day denied that there had been any change in Italian policy in regard to Sino-Japanese hostilities.

Sent to the Department, Tokyo.
