793.94/9710: Telegram

The Ambassador in China (Johnson) to the Secretary of State

533. Our 405, August 12, 10 a.m.

1. Announcement concerning the new War Council to take charge of Government affairs during the emergency is being delayed for unknown reasons but probably due to desire for secrecy because of reported cooperation therein by Chinese Communist leaders. The Government doubtless feels that reports of Communist cooperation might swing Italian and German sympathies toward Japan; the German press has already been quoted here as stating that the Soviet Union is supplying arms and ammunition to China and as referring to Japan as fighting against communism in China. Our latest information is that in addition to Chiang Kai-shek as President and Wang Ching Wei as Vice President the following definite appointments have been made:

Finance, H. H. Kung (with temporary substitute not yet agreed upon);
Military Affairs, General Hwang Shao Hsiung, Hupeh Chairman;
Political Affairs, Chang Chun;
People’s training, Chen Li Fu, party leader and Central Executive Committee member.

It is reported but not confirmed that [Mao] Tze Tung has been given a post on the Council.

2. Chen Tu Hsiu, well known Communist leader and former Central Executive member who was sentenced in 1932 or 1933 to 8 years imprisonment for being a Communist, was recently set free. Observers here consider his release significant as indicating the changed attitude of the National Government toward Chinese Communists.

Sent to the Department, Peiping, Shanghai for Shanghai repeat to Tokyo.
