793.94/9517: Telegram

The Ambassador in Japan (Grew) to the Secretary of State

283. Embassy’s 279, August 18, 6 p.m.

The Vice Minister for Foreign Affairs today informed the British Chargé d’Affaires that Japan could not accept the British proposal for Chinese-Japanese withdrawal of forces in and around Shanghai on condition that foreign powers would assume responsibility for the safety of Japanese nationals in the International Settlement and on the extra-Settlement roads because (1) foreign forces would not be adequate; (2) it is Japan’s duty to protect her own nationals, and (3) the Chinese are entirely to blame for the present situation.
Dodds however obtained assurances that this refusal was only pro tern and might be reconsidered.
Dodds believes that the Japanese realize that they are “in a jam” in Shanghai and that reconsideration of their refusal to accept the British proposal is not unlikely.
The French Ambassador has informed the Foreign Office that France will undertake to protect Japanese in the French concession provided that the powers undertake the protection of Japanese in the International Settlement.

Repeated to Nanking.
