793.94/9316: Telegram

The Consul General at Canton (Linnell) to the Secretary of State

Understand uneasiness prevails in more patriotic Chinese circles on account of continued lack of news of positive military action by [Page 378] Central Government. Addressing his subordinates day before yesterday General Yu Han Mou reportedly explained Nanking’s plan as one of prolonged resistance but apparently said nothing of immediate military action; and this change of emphasis seems reflected in the press.

Police Commissioner in broadcast speech has warned public of probable necessity of resistance in Kwangtung and of importance of storing foods.

Informed by Japanese consular authorities that two-fifths Canton Japanese colony have left and another two-fifths are to be evacuated; leaving about 100 in Shameen who will remain; that primary reasons for evacuation are the Japanese Government’s desire to avoid incidents and the difficulty of obtaining food locally on account of boycott; that complaints of coolie boycott continues; and that Swatow situation is very tense.

Sent to Peiping, Nanking and by mail to Swatow, Hong Kong, Shanghai.
