793.94/9265: Telegram

The Ambassador in China (Johnson) to the Secretary of State

395. My No. 394, August 9, 1 p.m., paragraph No. 1. Consul General [at] Shanghai has just telephoned that Italian Consul General [Page 365] has demanded the calling of an immediate meeting of the consular body to consider situation at Shanghai arising out of shooting affair between Chinese and Japanese at Hungjao Aerodrome which occurred yesterday afternoon. Gauss stated he did not wish to take stand contrary to action contemplated here reported in my telegram above quoted. I suggested that consular body Shanghai might forthwith take action along lines taken at Hankow (see Hankow’s August 4, 10 a.m.76) in making representations to both sides to refrain from hostilities at Shanghai. Gauss asked whether they should request no further troops be sent. I suggested that any request along this line should be made orally.

I feel that the two communications reported to the Department in my telegram above quoted should be sent at once in view of this latest occurrence. My colleagues are, I believe, prepared to sign immediately. I therefore urgently request authorization to join them in this action.
