793.94/9243: Telegram
The Ambassador in China (Johnson) to the Secretary of State
[Received 5:23 p.m.]
390. My 389, August 8, 10 a.m. My British colleague has just called and we have discussed Chinese communication preparatory to a meeting with our French, German and Italian colleagues tomorrow at 11 a.m. We propose to discuss with them a joint communication to the Japanese Embassy using following text:
“In the midst of the general uneasiness occasioned by recent events in North China, we have been feeling increasing anxiety for the safety of our nationals and the welfare of the immense foreign commercial and shipping interests in Shanghai and its vicinity. You will agree that it would be deplorable if hostilities should unfortunately occur in that region precipitating inevitably a chain of events which would gravely endanger foreign life and property.
In an oral communication the Chinese authorities have already announced to the American, French and British Embassies their desire to avoid all hostilities in the Shanghai region. We now address ourselves to Your Excellency in the hope that the Japanese authorities concerned may be willing to give indication of a corresponding desire on their side to avoid any action which might lead to an increase in the tension, or to armed clashes with the Chinese forces in that area”.
This text as it now stands avoids any commitment on our part as to attitude of the Chinese and asks an expression from the Japanese [Page 357] of their desire to avoid hostilities at Shanghai. We feel, however, that this communication should be backed up by our Governments by representations at Tokyo urging the Japanese not to use Shanghai as a base of military operations against the Chinese. Oral communication made by the Chinese to us this morning must be taken as warning that the Chinese will oppose by military force any attempt of the Japanese to base military activities against the Chinese on Shanghai or the International Settlement, and if hostilities are to be avoided in Shanghai steps must be taken to obtain an assurance from the Japanese that they will not use their defensive force at Shanghai in such hostilities, or Shanghai as a base for conducting hostilities with an augmented force.
Repeated to Tokyo.