
Memorandum by the Chief of the Division of Trade Agreements (Hawkins)

Conversation: The Honorable Sir Ronald Lindsay;
Mr. Francis B. Sayre;
Mr. Harry C. Hawkins.

Sir Ronald called at 5:15 p.m. today and submitted the following text of an announcement which, if agreeable to us, would be made in the House of Commons tomorrow (November 18). He did not mention the possibility of announcement being made on Friday or at any later date.

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“I am very happy to be able to inform House that the informal and exploratory discussions with a view to reaching an agreed basis for negotiation of an Anglo-American trade agreement, have now reached a point at which U.S. and U.K. Governments feel able to announce that negotiations for such an agreement are contemplated. As has been explained to House this announcement marks a definite and well recognized step in U.S. procedure of negotiations.

“I feel sure that House will warmly welcome this further step towards an agreement between the two countries.”

In response to an inquiry whether this meant that the United Kingdom is prepared to go ahead with the negotiations on the basis of this Government’s memorandum of November 16, 1937, Sir Ronald replied in the affirmative.

Mr. Sayre after consulting the Secretary informed Sir Ronald that it was agreeable to this Government that the announcement of contemplated negotiations be made in London and in Washington tomorrow (November 18).

[For text of preliminary announcement of the contemplated trade agreement negotiations with the United Kingdom, issued by the Department of State November 18, 1937, see Department of State, Press Releases, November 20, 1937, page 383.]