The Chief of the Division of Near Eastern Affairs (Murray) to the Minister in Egypt (Fish)
Dear Judge Fish: I trust that the official instructions22 which have been prepared for your use at the Conference will prove helpful and that you will find answered therein a good share of the questions which are likely to arise. Of course, we realize that some points are likely to come up which will not be fully covered by the instructions, but we hope that even in these cases the general nature of our policy will enable you to work out a satisfactory answer to the problem.
As you know, the information which the British Embassy in Cairo was good enough to furnish us in strict confidence has been of great assistance to us in understanding the general background of the situation with which we shall be confronted at the Conference. This information has been supplemented by additional oral statements made to us by the British Embassy here in Washington, acting on instructions from the Foreign Office. We in turn have considered it desirable to acquaint the British Embassy here with the general background of our policy with respect to the more important questions which are likely to arise at the Conference, and I see no reason why this exchange of information should not be continued at the Conference itself. For example, I can see that it might be advantageous for our delegation to acquaint certain of the British experts, such as Besly and Beckett, with some of our ideas. I believe that none of our proposals would be unacceptable to the British and that by a frank exchange of views we might be able to induce them to get behind certain of our ideas. Please feel free, therefore, to discuss with the British representatives such matters affecting our mutual interests as you consider proper and helpful.
I wish you the fullest measure of success during the deliberations of the Conference and you may be sure that we shall ever be ready to help you in any way we can.
Sincerely yours,