
Memorandum by Mr. Bernard Gufler of the Division of European Affairs

Mr. Wankowicz56 began the conversation by remarking that he had heard rumors to the effect that the Treasury Department was studying Polish exports to the United States with the thought that it might take action against them under the section of the Tariff Law authorizing the imposition of countervailing duties. He added that the rumors were exceedingly faint ones and that he was hopeful that there was no foundation for them since in his opinion it would be unfortunate if at the present time, while both Governments are considering whether there may be grounds for beginning negotiations for a trade agreement,57 were the Treasury Department to impose countervailing duties on imports into the United States from Poland.

Mr. Wankowicz stated that the Polish Embassy had received a telegram from Dr. Stephen S. Wise, President of the American Jewish Congress, protesting against the anti-Jewish disturbances which had recently occurred in Warsaw and requesting the Polish Government to impose martial law in that city. The Embassy had also been informed that Dr. Wise had requested the Secretary of State to protest to the Polish Government.

Mr. Wankowicz gave the appearance of being considerably disturbed by Dr. Wise’s protest. He stated that he desired to inform the State Department of the real nature of the disturbances referred to by Dr. Wise. He had been fully informed by his Government with regard thereto and although he said he had not been instructed to call, it was apparent that he was anxious to tell his story and concerned that the Department might have been misinformed by Dr. Wise. The [Page 556] disturbances were minor ones, involving beatings on the street and the breaking of windows. No one was seriously injured and there were absolutely no fatalities. The police now have the matter under complete control and the authorities have announced their intention of prosecuting offenders vigorously. Mr. Wankowicz added that the Voivode of Warsaw had caused notices to be posted throughout the town warning the people of the penalties of one to ten years imprisonment for street rioting and damaging property. He said that this action was an indication of the intent of the authorities to be vigorous in their action against anti-Semitism since they would have to enforce the order posted by them in order to maintain the prestige of governmental authority in Poland. He expressed the hope that the difficult situation existing in Poland and the determination of the Polish Government to maintain order without the imposition of martial law would be appreciated and understood in the United States.

Just before he left Mr. Wankowicz asked whether action was being taken on the Polish proposal for reciprocal exemption of consular officers from the payment of taxes on motor vehicle fuels and oils. Mr. Gufler informed him that the matter had been referred to the appropriate federal and state authorities who still had it under consideration.

September 28, 1937.

Mr. Wankowicz telephoned this morning to say that yesterday afternoon he had received from his Government telegraphic instructions to inform the Department of the latest developments in the situation of the Jews in Poland and that he had called on Mr. Wilson, Assistant Secretary of State, and had informed him of the situation both as regards the recent disturbances in the city of Warsaw and the basic economic and social causes of the tension between Poles and Jews.

Mr. Wankowicz also stated that he intended to acknowledge Dr. Wise’s telegram without comment and to inform him that it had been forwarded to the appropriate authorities in Poland.

B[ernard] G[ufler]
  1. Witold Wankowicz, Polish Counselor of Embassy and Chargé.
  2. See pp. 525 ff.