711.6521/232: Telegram
The Secretary of State to the Ambassador in Italy (Phillips)
Washington, November 23, 1937—7
179. Your 457, October 27, 4 p.m., and 481, November 19, noon.64
- (1)
- The Department desires you to inform the Italian Foreign Office orally or in writing in your discretion that this Government regrets that it is not in a position to proceed with the negotiations on the basis of initial free entry only set forth in your telegram under reference. You should express the hope that the Italian Government may, at some future time, be in a position to reopen the negotiations upon the broader basis set forth in the Department’s draft convention.
- (2)
- If a convention on the basis of the Italian proposals were concluded it would materially minimize the chances of this Government concluding consular conventions with other countries upon the broader basis. While a consular convention on the narrow basis [Page 506] would be entirely out of line with other consular conventions now in course of negotiation, it is possible that the conclusion of these pending negotiations with other countries may facilitate a reopening of negotiations with the Italian Government on a basis more in line with its proposals.
- (3)
- While paragraph 2 is for your information, you may, in your discretion, communicate all or part of it to the Italian Foreign Office.
- (4)
- In expressing the regret of this Government that the negotiations for a consular convention must be suspended for the time being, you should indicate your appreciation of the cordial and sympathetic cooperation afforded by the officers of the Italian Foreign Office in exploring the situation.
- (5)
- For the further information of the Embassy only. The Department does not consider it worth while in this connection to enter into a new consular convention which is not broader than the treaty of 1878 and fails to grant more rights than are now accorded by Italian legislation.
- Latter not printed.↩