862.002 Hitler/180
The Ambassador in Germany (Dodd) to the Secretary of State
[Received March 29, 1937.]
Sir: In confirmation of the Embassy’s telegrams Nos. 40, 42, 44,71 45 and 46, and in continuation of my despatch No. 3339 dated March [Page 373] 8, 1937, I have the honor to report that according to a statement made to the Embassy by the Foreign Office, the German Government, with the issuance of the press communiqué transmitted in translation in my telegram No. 46, March 13, 5 p.m., considers the La Guardia incident and its emanations as closed.
To the account of my conversation with Neurath given in my telegram No. 45 of March 12, 7 p.m., it may be added that he readily recognized the indecency of the German press language, and in deprecation of its tone, added that “If I had been writing the articles, I would have employed entirely different language and avoided any apparent slur on the American people.”
Since one must identify the German press with the German Government, Neurath’s remarks may be taken as another interesting indication of his position in the Government but outside the Party.
The unity of the German press in this affair is documented by the attached selection of clippings from the provincial press of March 5th, transmitted for record purposes.72
With reference to the last sentence in my telegram No. 45 of March 12, 7 p.m., there is also transmitted herewith as an enclosure an article in point from the Angriff of March 12, 1937.72
Respectfully yours,