611.60131/53: Telegram
The Secretary of State to the Minister in Estonia (Lane)
18. Your No. 3, March 17, 2 p.m., from Tallinn.
1. The following comments on your numbered paragraphs (1) to (3) may be communicated to the Estonian Government.
Your (1). The Department is very gratified with this information and awaits with interest full statement of present Estonian position which we assume will accompany the new draft referred to in your (5).
Your 2. While this Government will gladly examine any proposals which Estonia may wish to make regarding tariff reductions on [Page 265] specific items, it is unlikely that concessions could be granted to Estonia on some of the products mentioned because of Estonia’s rank as a supplier.
Your (3). The Department knows of no prohibition on imports of shale oil. You should ascertain exact nature of Estonian complaint and inform the Department by mail.
2. For your information, with regard to the possible extension of the present treaty with Estonia Dep[artmen]t sees no reason for departing from the procedure used last year which would involve the withdrawal by the Estonian Government on some date prior to May 21, 1937, of its notice of intention to modify the treaty as notified in its note of April 22, 1936,15 followed by a new notice of intention to modify the treaty. Instructions regarding this matter subsequently will be sent to you.
3. Copies of the general provisions for inclusion in trade agreements will be sent to Riga and Tallinn.
4. Legation at Tallinn should inform Department by cable immediately draft mentioned in your paragraph (5) is received, stating date on which it will be mailed.
- See telegram No. 4, April 22, 1936, 4 p.m., from the Chargé in Estonia, Foreign Relations, 1936, vol. ii, p. 67.↩