800.51W89 Czechoslovakia/278
Memorandum by the Under Secretary of State (Welles)
The Minister of Czechoslovakia called this morning. He told me when he entered the room that I undoubtedly knew what he was [Page 847] coming for and thereupon presented to me the note attached herewith,2 in which his Government states that it is not in a position as yet to resume its debt payments to the United States.
The Minister stated, however, that his Government for some months past had been hoping that this further default would not take place and had been considering the ways and means of reaching a satisfactory agreement with the United States. He said he thought that unless the internal situation in Czechoslovakia became worse, the Government of Czechoslovakia could undoubtedly discuss an agreement with the United States before next June. He asked if we would be prepared to listen to what his Government had to say. I said that of course, as we had officially advised his Government, we would be happy at any time to listen to any representations which Czechoslovakia might desire to make in this regard.
- See references to Department of State, Press Releases, under Czechoslovakia, p. 846.↩