600.0031 World Program/203
President Roosevelt to the King of the Belgians (Leopold III)27a
My Dear King Leopold: I received a few days ago, through the good offices of Count van der Straten,28 Your Majesty’s letter of July the twenty-fifth, with which you sent me a copy of the letter you had just addressed to Monsieur van Zeeland. I have read this with careful attention. I share your belief that as world conditions deteriorate, the need for some constructive measure of alleviation becomes more and more imperative.
Monsieur van Zeeland’s efforts have from the beginning made a strong appeal to me, not only in that they were inspired by a determination to restore a more stable world order, but also because they were based on a practical recognition of what was susceptible of accomplishment, and what was not. It would be a real disappointment to me if progress in his task were too long delayed, and if some tangible result did not ensue within a reasonable length of time. I feel strongly that the importance of economic equilibrium as an aid to world peace has often been underestimated and I am correspondingly grateful for what Monsieur van Zeeland, with Your Majesty’s helpful encouragement, has done to emphasize this truth.
Part of my pleasure in welcoming Monsieur van Zeeland to Washington last June was the opportunity it gave me of sending special messages of greetings and good wishes to Your Majesty. With grateful appreciation of the sentiments you in turn have expressed, believe me
Very sincerely yours,