852.3300 Motomar/15: Telegram

The Secretary of State to the Chargé in Mexico (Boal)

146. Your despatch No. 5064, July 17, and telephone conversation with Duggan66 yesterday. If at any time you believe that the lading of airplanes of American origin aboard the Motomar is actually taking place, you are requested to bring the fact to the attention of the Mexican authorities and to reiterate the deep appreciation of this Government for the past cooperation of the Mexican Government in regard to this matter and our continued interest in avoiding the embarrassment to all concerned which would result from a transshipment of these planes from Mexico to Spain in violation of our law. You may, in your discretion, add that the Department is now examining with care all applications for license to export aircraft to Mexico with a view to preventing, in accordance with the wishes of the Mexican Government, the export to that country of planes which might be ultimately destined for Spain.

  1. Laurence Duggan, Chief of the Division of American Republics.