852.24/390: Telegram
The Ambassador in Mexico (Daniels) to the Secretary of State
[Received April 27—2:05 a.m.]
108. Referring to Department’s 68, April 15, I saw the President this morning and told him that President Roosevelt and Secretary [Page 589] Hull appreciated his actions in preventing shipment of American made airplanes to Spain and mentioned to him our Government’s earnest desire to continue protecting our neutrality in the Spanish conflict pointing out to him that any shipment of airplanes of American origin from Mexico would be interpreted as a breach of that neutrality and of our laws. The President stated that he had not changed his position in the matter and that it remained as he had previously stated it. He made no reference to desiring any change in former understanding, see our telegram No. 233, December 31, 9 p.m.59
On April 15 I addressed a letter to the Spanish Ambassador giving him substance of the Department’s 68 with the exception of the last paragraph and on April 16 a letter to Minister Hay with substance of the Department’s 68 including last paragraph. Some days ago General Hay expressed as his personal desire that planes already in Mexico could be sent to foreign governments. See my telegram 93, April 15, 4 p.m. I had no knowledge that request to recede from its position would be made by official application through Mexican Ambassador at Washington.