852.3715/34: Telegram
The Chargé in France (Wilson) to the Secretary of State
[Received March 10—9:45 a.m.]
333. Our 323, March 8, 4 p.m.45 The Foreign Office has advised me of a telegram received by the Cuban Legation here from its Embassy in Madrid to the effect that the Spanish Government has no objection to the departure from the Cuban Embassy in Madrid for France of “Spaniards of military age” who had taken refuge in the Embassy provided the French Government guarantees that upon their arrival in France they will not be allowed to cross the frontier back into Spain. In other words, according to the Foreign Office, the “Cuban” refugees seem to be turned into something else.
The Foreign Office states it would have no objection to permitting these Spanish refugees to land in France and that the French authorities could undertake to escort them to the frontier of a third country as has been done in other cases but that the French Government is not prepared to assume an obligation to keep Spanish refugees under guard in France.
The next move is apparently up to the Cuban Legation.
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