852.00/5524: Telegram
The Ambassador in Germany (Dodd) to the Secretary of State
[Received May 26—1:45 p.m.]
115. The Foreign Office confirmed this morning the reports, circulating locally, that the British Government had communicated with the German Government with regard to the question of the withdrawal of foreign volunteers from Spain, et cetera, and that the German Government favored this idea in principle.
Foreign Office added that while the German Government was anxious to cooperate in every way for the improvement of conditions [Page 305] in Spain, it felt that the British suggestions were rather vague and that difficult as was the question of the withdrawal of foreign volunteers, the matter should be approached in more concrete and detailed fashion.
The Foreign Office hopes that the deliberations of the Non-intervention Committee in London this week will show progress along this line.
Copies to London, Paris, Geneva, Rome.