852.00/4480: Telegram

The Minister in Switzerland (Wilson) to the Secretary of State

377. In respect to the work of the Non-Intervention Committee Massigli27 tells me to the effect that France has agreed to the presence on her soil of international commissions to control passage of arms and volunteers from France to Spain. They have sent a note to Portugal requesting that Government to make the same authorization.

Respecting control by water, the French Government contemplates—and the British Government is believed to be in agreement—that all members of the Non-intervention Committee will acquiesce in the establishment of a control to be operated as follows: all ships destined for Spanish ports will be required en route to put in at specified ports outside of Spain where an inspection for the presence of war material and volunteers will be made. If the inspection reveals innocent cargo the ship will receive international authorization to proceed to its port.

According to Massigli all maritime powers in Europe are members of the Non-intervention Committee. The only great power which [Page 232] has ships in these waters which is not a member of the Committee is the United States. It is therefore highly probable Massigli thinks that we will be approached with the request to permit the same control in respect to American ships as is submitted to by all other maritime powers.

At the risk of submitting information already in your possession I am sending the foregoing believing that you would want as much time as possible for reflection as to the policy to adopt in the event that such petition is made.

Cipher text to Paris, London.

  1. René L. D. Massigli of the French Ministry for Foreign Affairs.