762.65/278: Telegram
The Ambassador in Italy (Phillips) to the Secretary of State
[Received January 16—2:25 p.m.]
23. My 12, January 9, 7 p.m.;23 17, January 12, 5 p.m.; 21, January 14, 6 p.m.23 The conversations now proceeding in Rome between the Italians and General Goering24 relate of course primarily to the Spanish situation. While the visit is held to be unofficial and no foreign diplomats have been invited to meet Goering, elaborate entertainments are being given in his honor by Mussolini, Ciano, and the Governor of Rome, ending with a gala opera and a hunt over the royal preserves tomorrow. Long conversations have taken place between Goering and Mussolini. On Monday Goering will leave for Naples, returning to Rome for one day on Thursday. Meanwhile I understand that the results of the conversations are being communicated to Berlin and it is expected that by Thursday Berlin’s answers will have been received in Rome. In the circumstances it seems wiser not to press the Foreign Office for information until next week and I find that my diplomatic colleagues share this view.
[Page 230]It seems certain that the last British proposals regarding volunteers have been far more cordially received than the first proposals which were associated with the French Government and that therefore we may expect greater efforts on the part of the Italians to meet the British viewpoint. In this connection it is to be remembered that the attitude of the Italians towards the British has completely changed as a result of the Mediterranean “gentlemen’s agreement” (see last paragraph my 8, January 7, 4 p.m.).
Moreover, there are signs that Italy might prefer to associate in the Spanish affair so far as possible with the British and other European powers rather than to remain tied exclusively to Germany. By now there must be general disappointment in Franco’s leadership but nevertheless our reports indicate that Italian volunteers are still leaving in considerable numbers. The Consulate General at Naples reports that the SS Lombardia sailed yesterday with 4500 aboard for Spain. This is the third sailing of the SS Lombardia from Naples to Spain since December 18.
We are following the situation as closely as possible but at the moment it is highly confusing and I cannot today intelligently predict the outcome.