724.34119/675: Telegram
The Ambassador in Argentina (Weddell) to the Secretary of State
[Received October 28—2 a.m.]
240. From Braden. My 230, October 22, 11 a.m.
1. Despite press despatches from Asunción that present impasse would soon be settled cordially and despite Ramírez’ promises to Rodrigues Alves that reply to Conference October 15 note would be short and would name without comment two Paraguayan officers to regimentation [reglementation] commission, late yesterday he presented an unsatisfactory note to the Conference which reiterates thesis of Paraguayan September 11 note, proposes to restrict Conference control to the intermediary line only, presumes to dictate the method of the commission’s constitution and its procedure, pretends to wait until the Paraguayan suggestions in this particular are adopted before appointing their members and states regimentation [reglementation] must be approved by Bolivian and Paraguayan Governments before final acceptance. Full translation air mailed today.
2. The contradictory and irresponsible attitude of the Paraguayan delegation plus the necessity for retaining Bolivian confidence in the Conference make it advisable for the Conference to act promptly and firmly. Therefore it is proposed to deliver to the Paraguayan delegation the following note at a formal session Thursday morning:
“The Conference over which I have the honor to preside in acknowledging Your Excellencies’ note October 26, deplores that the Paraguayan delegation should not have given the proper interpretation to the communication of October 15 in which the Peace Conference in accordance with existing protocols invited the Government which Your Excellencies represent to designate its military delegates to the [Page 72] special commission which should draft the regimentation [reglementation] of the functions of control and vigilance which are incumbent upon it.
In view of the urgency and the imperative necessity to reestablish and to insure in the Chaco an atmosphere capable of preventing the reoccurrence of incidents which have already taken place, concerning which Your Excellencies have repeatedly been informed, and without entering into the consideration of the statements and suggestions which Your Excellencies make in the aforesaid note, some being considered inopportune and others improper, the Conference believes it its duty to insist that the Paraguayan delegates be named this week for the purposes sought in the note of the 15th instant; since in any case, in accordance with the obligations assumed by virtue of the peace protocols, the Conference will be obliged to proceed without further delay to the accomplishment of the obligations which devolve upon it; especially as article III of the protocolized act of January 21 of the present year expressly authorizes it to name special commissions to resolve the practical questions which arise in the execution of the security measures.
I have the honor to be Sir,”
3. The above note was drafted by all the mediatory delegates this afternoon and adopted subject to the approval of our respective governments. I would appreciate receiving your instructions during Wednesday.
4. If Paraguay after delivery of this note still refuses, as we anticipate, to appoint delegates to the commission the Conference will then (a) increase number of military observers in Chaco so that each mediatory nation will be represented thus materially helping to prevent occurrence of any serious incident. Telegram received yesterday from military observers indicates, however, that nervousness in Chaco has abated somewhat. (b) Insist upon consideration of the territorial question as per paragraph 5 of telegram No. 194 September 19, noon.
5. … there is a possibility that not being accurately informed … the Paraguayan Government is unaware of the Conference attitude. Therefore my colleagues wish Howard to present on behalf of the Conference to Stefanich a copy of our reply and to set forth our viewpoint when doing so. Do you approve of this procedure?
6. In order to forestall impetuous action Femiot [Finot?], Bolivian delegate, has been given in strict confidence copy of Paraguayan note, informed of Conference stand, and promised copy of our reply when delivered. [Braden.]